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30 total results found

combining unix stderr output with stdout

MacOS, Windows, and Linux Linux and Unix

The problem is that when I run script x and redirect it to a file, all of the error messages come...

diff and patch

MacOS, Windows, and Linux Linux and Unix

The Ten Minute Guide to diff and patch Using diff and patch

avoiding increasing indents while pasting into vi

MacOS, Windows, and Linux Linux and Unix

When pasting text into a vi editing screen, sometimes you’ll get each line increasingly indented ...

Unix grep, find and maxdepth

MacOS, Windows, and Linux Linux and Unix

I’m writing this so I can find it next time I want to do this, and so my student programmers can ...

Apache log shell scripts

Programming and Web Development

Return count of timestamps with most error logs. A couple years ago an app error_log reported ab...

grep tricks

MacOS, Windows, and Linux Linux and Unix

I’ve been using grep (Global Regular Expression Print) to search files on Unix for years and neve...

15 Basic ‘ls’ Command Examples in Linux

MacOS, Windows, and Linux Linux and Unix

I learned at least three things from this list, and I’ve been using ls for years.15 Basic ‘ls’ Co...

cron job examples

MacOS, Windows, and Linux Linux and Unix

Here are some interesting examples of cron job use.

Linux performance analysis in 60 seconds

MacOS, Windows, and Linux Linux and Unix

Here’s an intro to understanding what’s going on with a Linux server, quickly.

Regular Expressions

Programming and Web Development

Regular Expressions are how you match text and patterns of text in a programming language, and on...