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1355 total results found

Where can I rent SPSS for 6 months or a year?

Useful Links

Where can I find a place to upload and store my data?

Useful Links

There are lots of ways you can store your data for future use. Some things to keep in mind are: ...

Stanford Self-Help Web Design Resources

Programming and Web Development

Stanford Self-help Web Design Resources Templat...

Alternatives to Google Analytics

Programming and Web Development

7 Alternatives to Google Analytics – Jan. 16, 2012 Search Engine Journal – ope...

Hi, are there any UCLA style resources or style guides for websites?

Programming and Web Development CSS and Web Design

Edit: 9/7/2012UCLA released Brand Guidelines 1.0 in March 2012. The document contains guidance on...

I want to email an Outlook business card with the "notes" section of the card included. How can I send the card with this section included in the card

Email Outlook

I was able to figure it out. I can’t delete this question so if anyone wanted to know: 1) Right c...

How long can I keep using my e-mail address?

UCLA Tech Resources

Please see the BOL help article regarding service eligibility: BOL Service Eligibility and Expir...

Translating Higher Ed-Speak from US to UK

Useful Links

It seems some of the terms are quite different.

Missing profile in Mozilla Thunderbird


An apparently unchanged Thunderbird installation suddenly lost all of its e-mail and settings, an...

Best practices for preparing and documenting data

UCLA Resources

Here are some resources to use in creating and preparing data in a variety of formats and for a v...

Data Management Plan and Resources

UCLA Resources

Data ManagementMaking a plan for managing data before beginning a research project and then follo...

Software for ethnographic and qualitative data analysis


Dedoose is a software tool developed by UCLA faculty, Thomas Weisner and Eli Lieber for use in m...

Data Management Plans

UCLA Resources

Researchers who are applying for grants from federal agencies, or other funders will need to comp...

How Departments can Purchase Macintosh Licenses and Apple Apps from ASUCLA

UCLA Tech Resources

UCLA Departments interested in purchasing Macintosh licenses and Apple Apps now have the option t...

Outlook Duplicate Items Remover (ODIR)

Email Outlook

“Free, Fast and easy tool for removing duplicate items from Outlook foldersWith ODIR it’s a snap ...

Migrate to a virtual Linux environment with Clonezilla

Programming and Web Development

from IBM DeveloperWorksHow to convert a physical server to a virtual one using the open source to...

Windows 7 Administrator Password

MacOS, Windows, and Linux Windows 7

I have a department laptop that I use, I have forgotten the adminstrative password, is there away...

The Versatile PhD

UCLA Resources

The Versatile PhD: a new resource on non-academic careers for graduate students in humanities an...

EduBlog Awards Blog

Useful Links

According to their site “The purpose of the Edublog awards is to promot...

Plone 4 Tips and Tricks

Programming and Web Development Plone

Back to Table of ContentsTiny MCEAdding a color picker to the toolbarPlone 4 comes installed with...