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1355 total results found

Changing column width in Finder (Mac OS X)

MacOS, Windows, and Linux

To adjust the width of all columns in a Finder window, hold the Alt/Option key down while draggin...

Open Data

Useful Links

According to Wikipedia, Open data is the idea that certain data should be freely available to eve...

Are there any good collaboration authoring/file sharing tools or resources available online?

Useful Links

There are a variety of great tools including but not limited to Google Docs, Dropbox, and

What are some document management services/document version control applications out there?

Programming and Web Development Git and Version Control

Two great options that we recommend are Git and SVN.Git: is a free and ope...

What are some cost-efficient resources available for off-campus/online data storage?

Useful Links

Google Drive and Amazon Cloud both provide 5GB of free storage. Google Drive’s pricing options ra...

Disabling Java in web browsers

Internet and Web Browsers

If you want to improve your web browsing security by disabling Java, here are directions for diff...

Mekentosj Papers


Called the “iTunes for PDFs”, Mekentosj Papers has been found to be useful for organizing PDFs fo...

EndNote at UCLA


UCLA Biomedical Library has references and specialists available for Endnote at:

Mac Word Crashing

MacOS, Windows, and Linux

Users of Microsoft Word for OS X may notice frequent program crashing and instability. Mac Word’...

What is the best solution for emailing large files? I'm not sure which to choose: DropLoad, DropSend, YouSendIt, SendThisFile, Streamload, SugarSync,


All of the listed options are pay to use. We recommend looking into Google Drive as it comes with...

YouTube Editor

Useful Links

YouTube provides a simplified video editor: also provides a YouT...

How do I connect to the eduroam wireless network on a Kindle Fire?

Mobile Devices UCLA Campus Networks

Hit the “Settings” icon next to the battery icon. Select “Wifi,” and choose eduroam as the networ...

Is it possible to put UCLA VPN on a Kindle Fire?

Mobile Devices

Kindle Fire doesn’t support VPN. Amazon will prevent any attempt to establish a VPN connection on...

Does CCLE have a survey function? If so, where in CCLE can I find the function? Thanks!

CCLE and Moodle

Please refer to the following link on information regarding survey creation on CCLE: https://docs...

Does UCLA have an electronic version (like a .ics) of the academic calendar that I could add to my computer or mobile device?

UCLA Tech Resources

All archived calendars are available at:

How do I merge two dropbox accounts together so there is only one?

Useful Links

At the moment you can only run one installation of Dropbox on a single computer and it can only b...

Creating calculation fields in Adobe Acrobat Pro

Applications/Software Adobe

Steps:1. Create the basic form structure in Adobe Acrobat Pro2. Double-click the location in whic...

Are there any useful existing tools or software for a department or campus unit to create an online suggestion box?

Useful Links

As of right now, is free while it remains in beta. Other sites, like suggest...

Bash scripting

MacOS, Windows, and Linux Linux and Unix

Learning Shell Scripting Language: A Guide from Newbies to System Administrator – October 3, 201...

What are some good workflow tools/project management’s tools and resources available for us to use?

Useful Links

There are a variety of resources out there available for project management and workflow. Some of...