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1355 total results found
Digital Research Tools – “collection registry of digital research tools for scholarly us...
Accessing Pew Research Data
Most of the Pew Research Center survey and other quantitative data is freely available for second...
Microsoft Office Home Use Program
The Microsoft Home Use Program allows employees at eligible companies to buy an annual subscripti...
David Levine eBook
He is not ex-UCLA Econ Professor David K. Levin, Ex-UCLA Econ Professor David M. Levin’s bo...
Earth Engine from Google
" Google Earth Engine brings together the world’s satellite imagery — trillions of scientific mea...
Changing HP motherboard system IDs
When performing a motherboard swap in an HP system, to ensure proper system functionality, the sy...
Creating Spherical Panoramic Visuals
Linux Tools for Digital Imaging, Graphics and Spherical Panoramic PhotographyDigital photographic... Adobe Creative Cloud (Preview Modules)
In May 2013, Adobe announced they will discontinue the popular retail offering of their Creative ...
Command Line Tools to Monitor Linux Performance
If you have any tools for monitoring Linux, or have comments or limitations on these, please add ...
Sophos Security Threat Report
See the threats through the hype, with the latest research and commentary from SophosLabs. http:/...
adding date to bash history command
Coming from Solaris to Linux, one thing I’ve missed for years was that the Linux bash history com...
Symantec's Annual Internet Security Threat Report
The Internet Security Threat Report (ISTR) provides an overview and analysis of the year in globa...
Free web content: sounds/sound effects you can add to your non-commercial sites
Reprinted from the Internet Scout ( you are loo...
GDELT: Global Data on Events, Location and Tone
April 2013: Researchers have released the GDELT: Global Data on Events, Location and Tone dataset...
Mac OS Printing on Dell 2130cdn
Download and install the following (order matters!)
Making Screenshots in Windows
In Windows, most users are at least familiar with the “Print Screen” button, which copies the ENT...
capture data from PDF tables
Upload a PDF, get back tabular CSV data. Introducing Tabula Tabula Demo Site Tabula source codeED...
Install Sophos on Mac OS 10.8
By default, Mac OS 10.8 only allows users to install applications from ‘verified sources’. BOL d...
Digital Public Library of America
"The Cloud" Defined
According to the official NIST definition, “cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, c...