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1355 total results found

Knowledge Base Guidelines

About This Knowledge Base

Please Do Update articles in your area of expertise. Create a new page if you want to remember...

HP Laserjet 1012 and Windows 7

Printers, Monitors, and Other Hardware

The HP LaserJet 1012 does not have a Windows 7 driver.The Windows Vista driver for the LaserJet 1...

Trouble printing from office 2010 on a xerox printer

Printers, Monitors, and Other Hardware

I’m having problems printing documents in Word 2010 on our Xerox printer. A colleague found a tem...

Has anyone tried SQLShare?

Useful Links

Has anyone tried SQLShare? out of U. Washington, whi...

Has anyone tried Statwing?

Useful Links

Has anyone tried It is free for datasets under 1MB and held for less t...

web scraping tools

Programming and Web Development

Web scraping tools, services, and plugins: a comprehensive listRuby project called Upton – haven’...

Steps for Cloning a Repository in SourceTree

Programming and Web Development

(Note: These are the steps for a Windows installation of SourceTree. Not sure if there are differ...

Missing file extensions causing errors with files opening in OS X

MacOS, Windows, and Linux

OS X by default hides file extensions on files, so users may be confused when they have files tha...

Excel Tricks

Applications/Software Microsoft Office

How to Use INDEX+MATCH WithMultiple Criteria in 5 Easy Steps (includes Excel 2016) How To Use In...

SQL joins

Programming and Web Development SQL

Please add other helpful links:SQL joins: a visual explanation

Best Tablet for Productivity?

Mobile Devices

I’m looking for a tablet that will help me be productive away from the office. I’m almost exclus...

Microsoft TechEd Sessions Videos & Slides

Useful Links

Microsoft provides TechEd session resources for those who have been unable to attends, and as rev...

Microsoft Sysinternals


Microsoft’s SysInternals suite is a great, free addition to an IT Professionals USB flash drive— ...

Free Powershell eBooks

Useful Links

Great list of free Powershell ebooks and additional PS resources—

GIT info

Programming and Web Development Git and Version Control

Please add other helpful links: t...

Java incompatibilites with AIS Document Direct

UCLA Tech Resources

Users unable to access AIS Document Direct due to Java errors likely have a workaround from AIS:h...

When are grades due?

UCLA Resources

Typically, grades are due 10 days after the last final for a given term. The schedule for grade ...

Free Microsoft e-Books

Useful Links

By way of Eric Ligman, Microsoft has made available a large number of free eBooks in multiple for...

Mobile Device Management Now Available With Sophos


The current UCLA-wide agreement for Sophos anti-virus software has been renewed through October 2...

California Wireless Emergency Alert Program

Useful Links

California Wireless Emergency Alert Program are government-issued safety messages that include AM...