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1355 total results found
Explaining to your mother how to safely surf the web at Starbucks
The title is mostly for fun, but I’m curious if anyone has found fairly simple guides to safely b...
OS X Mavericks Resources
Here are some useful links to some technical information surrounding today’s OS X Mavericks relea...
Windows XP End of Life 4/8/2014
Microsoft will cease support for Windows XP on April 8, 2014. Computers running XP after April 8...
Sass Variables for UCLA Color Palette
UCLA color palettes converted to Sass and posted as gists on github. UCLA Color Palette c. 2013 U...
Wikipedia - interesting articles about
While you may or may not like or trust Wikipedia, this page is intended for interesting articles ...
ProQuest Launches Free Version of Flow
“Acclaimed cloud-based document management platform now available free to individual researchers”...
Sass versus LESS
Quoting, "One of the hot new trends in web design is CSS pre-processed languages and there’s two ...
f.Lux, Auto Brightness
Quoting, " f.lux makes your computer screen look like the room you’re in, all the time. When the ...
Apple Volume License Program
Apple has expanded Volume License Program (VPP) to now include Managed Distribution of Apps as of...
Help with Microsoft Office Applications
Does anyone know if there is a campus group that provides assistance with setting up a database i...
Free Digital Textbooks
The Price is Right: 11 Excellent Sites for Free Digital Textbooks – Campus Technology 8/14/13Ple...
Mac OS X - Local Web Development Environment Setup
My name is Alex Podobas and I’m a member of the UCLA IT Security Office. My IT security work at U...
Creating videos for flipped classes
One of the keys of a “flipped class” is to have the lectures online. 6 YouTube lessons for buildi...
Data Mashups with TaDaweb
Described as a cross between Pinterest and Yahoo Pipes, TaDaweb “lets non-technical business pers...
Instructor unable to play HD video purchased from iTunes
ScenarioAn instructor has their laptop connected to a projector in a classroom, and tried to play...
Has anyone tried Xerte Online Tookit?
Has anyone tried “Xerte Online Toolkit?” It’s a tool for making it easy ...
Two Free Academic Software Tools
1) Docear (pronounced “dog ear”)Academic Literature Suite of Applications“D...
Facebook as a data source
Hacking the Graph for Better Sourcing and Recruiting on FacebookPlease add other techniques for u...
cvs tools
For those who have to deal with cvs data files, here is a tool to do de-duplication http://source...
Windows XP Transfer Tool from Microsoft
As the end of support for Windows XP on April 8th nears Microsoft is continuing to focus on ensur...