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7 total results found
Programming and Web Development
Lucene – Apache Lucene is a high-performance, full-featured text search engine library written en...
Compiling Lucene with GCJ
Programming and Web Development
BackgroundLucene is a open-source search library written in Java.GCJ is a Java to native-executab...
Free/open source information retrieval libraries
Programming and Web Development
What are they and why using oneInformation retrieval libraries are software libraries that provid...
Lucene spans
Programming and Web Development
IntroductionIn Lucene, a span is a triple (i.e. 3-tuple) of <document number, start position, ...
Lucene term documents and term positions
Programming and Web Development
IntroductionTerm documentsFor each term T, there are (doc frequency of the term) tuples of <do...
Pure negation query in lucene
Programming and Web Development
In many information-retrieval system, you can use queries like “term1 AND (NOT term2)” but you ca...
Why are Lucene's stored fields so slow to access
Programming and Web Development
ProblemI have a Lucene index that has some large fields (about 50 KB each) and some small fields ...