About This Knowledge Base

What's new in the Knowledge Base for April 2021?

Welcome to the new BookStack Knowledge Base! BookStack is a brand new, open-source platform for s...

Knowledge Base Guidelines

Please Do Update articles in your area of expertise. Create a new page if you want to remember...

What should be posted in this Knowledge Base?

You should post anything that you think might be helpful in the future. This could include: lin...

Who can post to this Knowledge Base?

Anyone employed by UCLA, full- or part-time, can post answers to this Knowledge Base and edit oth...

How do I create a page in the UCLA Knowledge Base?

Make sure you are logged in to the Knowledge Base. Before creating a new page, please search th...

How do I delete a page from the KB?

If you are logged in, you should be able to delete any pages you have written. For other pages, p...

Knowledge Base Use Cases

Here are some of UCLA Knowledgebase Use Cases, with examples. Please add others as they occur to ...

What to do about duplicate Knowledge Base pages

While we hope that everyone who adds a new article to the UCLA Knowledgebase will search first to...

Knowledge Base Contributor First Steps

As a contributor to the UCLA Knowledgebase, first you need to login. Then go to https://kb.ucla....

Finding things in this Knowledge Base

Search See the BookStack User Documentation information on advanced searching: https://www.bo...

What other universities have knowledge bases and what can we learn from them?

Arizona State University – https://techbase.asu.edu/wiki/index.php/Main_Page (wiki based) Easter...

Original Knowledgebase

Pages about the original Knowledgebase project.