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real-time collaborative text editors

Multiple people editing a document at the same time seems impossible, but now there are three dif...

Entourage 2008 stops receiving Exchange email

Entourage 2008 stops receiving email from an Exchange account. The user continues to get Sent ma...

Cloning systems with Sophos and Sysprep

During deployments of multiple systems with the exact same hardware configuration, Sysprep is the...

Where can I find information about software licensing?

Software Central is responsible for negotiating, implementing and administering campus-wide softw...

Microsoft Access, OpenOffice and MySQL

Using ODBC it is possible to connect Microsoft Access (or OpenOffice) to a MySQL database. Access...

Import resources/activities from one Moodle site to another

If you would like to reuse resources or activities from another course you’ve taught or are teach...

avoiding increasing indents while pasting into vi

When pasting text into a vi editing screen, sometimes you’ll get each line increasingly indented ...

VMware Fusion - How to set the default virtual machine

If you have more than one virutal machine and you want a particular vm to launch as default, choo...

CCLE (Moodle) Status Page

CCLE Shared System (Moodle) Status ccle.ucla.eduWelcome to the CCLE Shared Systems Status page ma...

Software at Office of Residential Life Labs

Access to the Learning CentersUsage of any of the three Learning Centers (Covel, Rieber, De Neve)...

Hotmail Image Problems in HTML Emails

If you are working on an HTML email that has multiple images slicedtogether and assembled in tabl...

Document Annotation Tools

Are there good enough tools for annotating documents and sharing those annotations that are easy ...

ENVI 4.6 or 4.6.1 Help does not work

Most commonly seen on a Windows x64 machine running Java 6 64-bit— ENVI and IDL (64-bit) both loa...

ENVI 4.6 and 4.6.1 Java problems

ENVI 4.6/4.6.1 does not run.This problem occurs both on upgrades from older versions of ENVI as w...

using find and chmod together in Unix

In Unix, if you need to clear up a set of subdirectories to see what permissions or ownership of ...

Importing and exporting a Plone site

Zope has a feature that allows you to export files, folders, and even Plone sites using the Impor...

When you try to print another user's shared calendar in Microsoft Office Outlook 2003, the calendar does not print.

When you try to print another user’s shared calendar in Microsoft Office Outlook 2003, the calend...

Where do I download Windows Vista language packs?

The recommended method is via Windows Update, per Windows Vista integrated help or the online hel...

How to reset user passwords on Wimba

For Users:If you have forgotten your password, click on the “Forgot your password?” link on the W...

In Moodle, why is a particular page blank or incomplete?

Does this happen when trying to open a PDF resource?This issue may occur when a user tries to ope...