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Sysprep links for XP and Vista
enjoy, links that i keep handytechnet xp
How can I connect with other academics with similar research interests?
If you are interested in being able to create a personal web page and be able to upload your pape...
What applications can I use to send out announcements and e-newsletters?
From Michael Miller – Mailchimp was used successfully for an email campaign for the “Relationshi...
Calling makeRequest in GWT to Get External Data for an Opensocial Gadget and Creating an Overlay
For this tutorial I use the following parameters:$your_namespace_dots = the namespace of your uni...
Building an OpenSocial Gadget with GWT and Hosting on Your Website
For this tutorial I use the following parameters:$your_repository = location of your Subversion r...
What is Subversion?Subversion is a version control system or SCM (software configuration manageme...
Why are Lucene's stored fields so slow to access
ProblemI have a Lucene index that has some large fields (about 50 KB each) and some small fields ...
The New UCLA Logon ID - What's In It For Me? you heard of the UCLA Logo...
jQuery and JavaScript Coding: Examples and Best Practices
When used correctly, jQuery can help you make your website more interactive, interesting and exci...
How to Add a Wimba Voice Tool in CCLE Moodle
These are instructions for instructors on how to add a Wimba Voice Tool (Voice Board, Presentatio...
FTP settings for SSC Novell Server
Hostname: “.username.department.sscnet”For example if your use...
Web tools for scheduling a meeting
I’ve used a few times to quickly arrange meetings, but now I’m running into som...
Accessing Windows drive letters under cygwin
If a drive does not have an explicit mount point configured Cygwin will default to an imaginary m...
Pure negation query in lucene
In many information-retrieval system, you can use queries like “term1 AND (NOT term2)” but you ca...
Lucene term documents and term positions
IntroductionTerm documentsFor each term T, there are (doc frequency of the term) tuples of <do...
Lucene spans
IntroductionIn Lucene, a span is a triple (i.e. 3-tuple) of <document number, start position, ...
Access denied error when installing Windows XP Service Pack 3
When attempting to upgrade Windows XP systems to Service Pack 3, you get one of the following err...
Simplifying web-based processes with CoScripter
“IBM has a very cool Firefox-only plugin called CoScriptor which is sort of a macro recorder for...
Effect of file operations on its own and its parent directory's modification times
\ File added File modified File renamed File deleted File Y Y N N/A Parent d...
X11 on MacBook Pros
As of August 2007, Apple made a real effort to hide X11 on Tiger install disks for MacBook Pros. ...