Recently Updated Pages
In Moodle, can we add our own Resource Parameters to be sent along with links?
Please answer this if you can, and then retag it as Moodle. ThanksTo clarify the question, a very...
Interviews with Martin Dougiamas, Moodle Architect
In my attempts to start “thinking in Moodle” I thought it might be interesting to search for inte...
In Moodle can we have nested metacourses?
The question is whether a metacourse can have a metacourse underneath it. And at least with a qu...
Can I change the format of a Moodle site after it's been created and used awhile?
According to “Using Moodle” by Jason Cole it is ok to switch a Moodle site’s format after it’s in...
What happens in Moodle if two people try and edit a wiki page at the same time?
In Moodle 1.7 if someone is editing a wiki page when you go into edit it, you get an error messag...
What other universities have knowledge bases and what can we learn from them?
Arizona State University – (wiki based) Easter...
How do I find what Perl modules are installed on my system?
Assuming you have perldoc installed, simply typing perldoc perllocal will give you a nicely-forma...
How to hide a site in Moodle
If you don’t want a Moodle site/course to be visible at all, then the not-too intuitive setting y...
Moodle auto-login guests
Normally public Moodle sites are public in the sense that you have to login as GUEST, with no pas...
MacBook waking while lid is closed
“If you have ever had your MacBook or MacBook Pro inexplicably wake while the lid is closed, ther...
Wiki Software Alternatives
Looking for the best Wiki software? – compare wiki features and requir...
Search across multiple Plone instances
If you have multiple Plone instances and you would like the search feature to search across the i...
Browser Feature Comparison
Ever wonder about web browser standards support for particular products? The following links att...
Choosing the Name for Your Avatar in Second Life
You’ve heard the buzz about Second Life MMORPG and its instructional potential, but don’t know ho...
How to verify UC employment?
You can do it yourself by going to At Your Service Online website https://atyourserviceonline.uco...
Google Zeitgeist
Ever wonder about what search trends on Google are?Google Zeitgeist has an answer.Previous Year’s...
Why doesn't wiki in Sakai let me edit?
In UCLA’s Sakai Pilot, it’s not enough to install the Wiki tool and assume that those with Mainta...
Shrink PowerPoint Files
ProblemPictures added to PowerPoint are added in a non-optimized form. Consequently, large image...
PowerPoint Preferences / Options
Microsoft PowerPoint sets a large amount of default preferences which may not be in the best long...
Recover from a Corrupted Windows Registry
When a Windows XP sp2 system cannot boot, but system restore had been enabled (as is now by defau...