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How can I search/replace strings in MySQL?
MySQL lets you replace all occurrences of a character or string of characters in a table with som...
In Unix, what do I do when a file I want to edit in vi says "Line too long"?
In Unix, when the vi editor says “line too long” it’s usually because it was copied up from a Mac...
What is ResearchBuzz?
“ResearchBuzz is designed to cover the world of Internet research. To that end this site provides...
What's an easy way to set up a WAMP test environment?
Many popular Content Management Systems (CMS) run in a php/mysql environment. Their dynamic natu...
What is Haskell?
I just heard about this functional programming language named Haskell on this Ruby on Rails Podca...
How can I get standard cross browser font-sizes?
A short while ago I was overjoyed to rediscover an article that I lost track of long ago. I read ...
How to add and use a discussion board in Moodle
How to add and use a discussion board (aka Forum) in a Moodle class site.How to add a discussion ...
How to add a link to a Moodle class site
How to add links to outside web sites from within a Moodle class website: First, go to either the...
I have Windows XP, how can I restore my computer to a previous configuration?
You can use a feature called �System Restore� to restore your Windows XP PC to a previous wor...
How do I make a Windows XP PC automatically login?
If you want to have a Windows XP automatically log in (on a domain or not), you can use the Tweak...
How can I check/verify that Red Hat Enterprise Linux is up-to-date for Daylight Savings Time
As the root user, enter the following at the command line:$ zdump -v /etc/localtime | grep 2007Yo...
Telnet to a mail server ; testing, relaying, etc...
In Windows go to “Start”, and click on “Run”. Then type “cmd”. This will pop up a Dos window. On ...
How do I remove the icons in Plone?
This will allow you to remove the navigation icons that appear in Plone’s navigation portlet. go ...
In Moodle can we make a site show up publicly, but not show its list of members?
To clarify, on why does Sysop not show members and Integration subgroup does...
Should I use plonecustom.css when changing the layout for my Plone site
As stated in plonecustom.css, if you are going to be making heavy modifications to your layout, y...
Programming Securely
Article on Validating Input from IBM’s Best Practices series Top Ten Web Security Flaws – OWASP ...
Second Life Programming
Using the Linden Scripting Language – The Linden Scripting Language (LSL) lets you add behaviors...
Stuck CD/DVD in Macbook Pro
So I was installing Windows Vista on a 15" Macbook Pro using Bootcamp. Everything was proceeding...
Where can I find information regarding new/updated drivers required to run Vista?
If you’re intending to install Vista on your computers, the process will likely require the ins...
Where can I find Information regarding deploying Vista?
To download Microsoft’s step-by-step guides providing instructions for IT professionals deployi...