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Where can I find information about statistical computing?
The statistical computing group is a team of four UCLA staff members who help UCLA researchers wi...
In excel, how to I add a an external sheet to my current (or new) workbook?
You need to open both workbooks (or whatever workbook you want to copy from and to…)activate the ...
How do I repair a corrupt PST file in Outlook?
I am getting this error message when I try to log in: "Your login is no longer valid. Please try logging in again."
There are two scenarios where this occurs. Are you getting this message after logging in or befor...
Can Plone display content from another site inside it?
Yes, there is a product that will do exactly this. It’s called windowZ. Just use the quick instal...
How do I use pivot tables?
The Pivot Table is powerful, but mysterious tool found in MS Excel that is similar to the “crosst...
What sort of menus can I make with CSS?
There are practically no limits to what you can do with CSS, the trick is figuring out how to mak...
Outlook Best Practices -- Avoiding a BCC Disaster
You’ve all probably run into the problem where someone on an email BCC list uses Reply All and bl...
Creating Distribution Lists in Outlook
These basic instructions came from Microsoft On the File menu, point to New, and then click Distr...
How do I make dynamic dropdown/pullup menus in Plone?
There is a Plone Drop Down Menu product (also called qPloneDropDownMenu) that creates navigation ...
Clear IE forms
Problem: User wants to clear what shows up in Internet Explorer when doing searches via the web (...
Geographic Information Systems
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are systems for connecting data to maps. This might involve ...
Converting Java content into AJAX (Javascript and XML)
If you have a program in Java or know how to program in Java and would like to convert your code ...
Clear autofill names in Outlook email
Aside from “hitting delete” on the auto-fill in the address list when using outlook, you can also...
PcAnywhere 11 giving you errors at the login screen?
On the Windows taskbar, click Start > Run. The Run dialog box appears. In the Run dialog box, ...
Who uses PostgreSQL at UCLA?
The purpose of this page is to create a directory of people who are using PostgreSQL and what adv...
How do I use Perl to create an animated gif from a large number of images?
Install this Perl module using cpan (or your favorite method for installing Perl modules):Image::...
How do I open an EPS file using GIMP in Windows?
The following works for Gimp 2.2.10, Ghostscript 8.54, and Windows XP: Install Gimp and Ghostscri...
Mouse Gestures
What are mouse gestures?A mouse gesture is a way of combining computer mouse movements and clicks...
What are the most common mouse shortcuts for Mozilla Firefox?
This is a list of the most common mouse shortcuts in Mozilla Firefox.-———————————————- BackC...