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What is Django?According to the Django website “Django is a high-level Python Web framework that ...
Who manufactured the LCD panel on my Dell UltraSharp?
If you have a Dell UltraSharp LCD monitor, and would like to check which company made the LCD pan...
How to create dual boot Mac OS X and Windows XP on the Mac Book Pro using boot camp
For general information and requirement: boot camp instal...
Inserting a Macromedia flash animation into a Powerpoint presentation
One easy way to insert a flash animation into Powerpoint is to install Shyam’s Toolbox. It contai...
Troubleshooting blank pages and scripting errors in Windows Update and Outlook Webmail
When you use Internet Explorer to visit Windows Update or Outlook Webmail (on Exchange 2003), you...
Is there a way to create virtual desktops in Mac OS X?
Virtal desktops are a convenient way of organizing your program windows. You can “switch” desktop...
How do I enable the advanced mode of the TinyMCE editor for Plone?
The TinyMCE editor is a feature-rich WYSIWYG editor for Plone, similar to Kupu. However, many of ...
Why emails are so easily misunderstood?
This is a fascinating article from the Christian Science Monitor on why email communication is in...
Copying text and images from an Acrobat document
Acrobat Reader has 3 main tools, the hand tool (on by default), the select tool and the snapshot ...
My reminders do not pop up on Outlook after the email migration
Try runningoutlook.exe /cleanfreebusyandoutlook.exe /cleanremindersfrom Start→Run.
What do I do if I get an "Unmountable Boot Volume" Error during windows startup?
Cause:1. This issue can be caused by a corrupt boot.ini file.2. This issue can also be caused by ...
Most are aware basic UCLA campus maps are available by clicking on maps from the UCLA homepage.A ...
Why shouldn't I email or post Microsoft Word documents?
Many people send Microsoft Word documents as email attachments without realizing that there are s...
UCLA Facilities Outage Notification System
If you aren’t one of the lucky ones who receives email notifications of Facilities outages, you c...
Numeric Validation JavaScript
Series I : Validation (AJAX Presentation CWP)Several people have asked me to discuss some of the ...
Java is an object-oriented programming language that is intended to be runnable from many differe...
Dokeos Dokeos is an Open Source elearning and course management web applic...
eduPerson is an LDAP object class that includes widely-used person attributes in higher education...
Hibernate [Criteria Queries in Hibernate: