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1355 total results found

How do I reset a malfuctioning Motorola Pager (American Messaging)

Printers, Monitors, and Other Hardware

Take out AA battery Put in the battery in reverse direction Wait 10 seconds Put battery back in ...

How to synchronize files and directories from one location to another on Unix

MacOS, Windows, and Linux Linux and Unix

Although tar can be used to synchronize/copy files/directories from one location to another (i.e....

Mac OS Applications folder slow to load / populate

MacOS, Windows, and Linux

As mentioned in, either deleted...

iPad Apps

Mobile Devices

Weather/NewsAccuWeather – detailed current conditions, 15 day forecast, hourly weather updates – ...

Enterprise Messaging Exchange settings


Server address:, If you dont know which mail server the account ...

Why Do Microsoft Products Create Those Temp Files? Everything You Wanted to Know . . .

MacOS, Windows, and Linux

See KB Article ID: 211632This article explains when, where, and how Microsoft Word for Windows cr...

How do I delete a page from the KB?

About This Knowledge Base

If you are logged in, you should be able to delete any pages you have written. For other pages, p...

Installing the Online Resource Center RAPID system

UCLA Tech Resources

The Online Resource Center’s RAPID Smart Closeout Tool is available for download here. The ZIP f...

Squeeze More Life Out of Your Battery

Printers, Monitors, and Other Hardware

YouTube Video – Maximize Battery Life VideoBefore You Buy Check the specs for battery life but al...

Digital Literacy Curriculum

UCLA Tech Resources

Note: A major component of the IT2020 vision is for every faculty, staff and student to be a good...

iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch remote desktop apps

Mobile Devices

A colleague who wishes to remain anonymous asked me to post this. free Mocha rdp – old, relase da...


UCLA Tech Resources

MedNet is a colloquial term used to refer to the UCLA Health System and UCLA School of Medicine n...

Can an iPad Replace a Laptop?

Mobile Devices

Can an iPad replace a laptop? What capabilities do other tablets have? Do any tablets have USB po...

PHP Client can break `less`

MacOS, Windows, and Linux Linux and Unix

When you do php through command line (i.e. `php somescript.php`) and you pipe it to less (i.e. `p...

Ideas Worth Spreading

Useful Links

Riveting talks by remarkable people, free to the worldTED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth S...

Notes on restoring deleted Moodle Forum

CCLE and Moodle

Someone deleted a Moodle Discussion Forum with 137 posts, and it was urgent to recover it because...

UCLA Time Synchronization

UCLA Tech Resources

CTS offers network time services to UCLA. These services allow your Macintosh, Windows, or Unix w...

Edit Mispelled Words in Firefox

Internet and Web Browsers Firefox

Firefox keeps a per profile dictionary of custom words. To correct words which inadvertently ent...

Windows 7 Backup and Restore

MacOS, Windows, and Linux Windows 7

Windows 7 BackupDraft v0.1 — 6 April 2011Brian J. Won brian@ssc.ucla.eduUCLA Social Sciences Comp...

Travel Express and Java


As of May 20, 2011 Travel Express or at least the System Administration Tool/Geac 6.5 Expense Man...