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Plone 4 Tips and Tricks: Table of Contents
Tiny MCEAdding a color picker to the toolbar
Are you aware of any departments that have electronic evaluation systems for lectures? Does any one have an existing system that can be purchased or
I don’t know if any departments are enrolled in the service, but I have used the free trial versi...
Adobe User Groups in Los Angeles
Adobe user groups meet in various spots, and are good for contacts, freelance prospects, and stay...
Verizon's Annual Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR)
A dramatic increase in attacks by outside parties. Breaches fueled by monetary gain. Hacking and ...
How do I submit an online TSR?
TSRs have been replaced by “Web Center” requests.
grep tricks
I’ve been using grep (Global Regular Expression Print) to search files on Unix for years and neve...
Ultrabook Hard Drives
The ultrabook specification uses thinner than usual laptop hard drives. Some lightweight laptops...
Can you recommend good child care options in various neighborhoods around LA?
For faculty and staff with dependent children who are new to UCLA, finding child care in a new ci...
Which areas of LA would you recommend to new faculty or staff for affordable housing?
When new faculty or staff join the UCLA community from another city, state or even country, it ca...
Is it possible to connect a DVD burner to a video recorder such as the Kodak Playsport?
I found my answer, I’m providing the information here in case it helps someone else:I found a DVD...
How do I set up Oasis on Mac OS 10.7 Lion
Follow the link below: succe...
Adobe Photoshop CS 6 (beta)
Adobe CS6 suite is due out soon — June 2012.Adobe Photoshop CS6 Beta can be downloaded and previe...
Academic Conference Posters
Here is a very thorough article on what content to include and how to design a great conference p...
Does UCLA have a campus-wide license for an online survey product?
Yes, please visit for information on the SurveyMon...
How do I manually specify a KMS server to activate MS Office 2010
1. Launch a command window with elevated privileges.◦Type cmd in the search bar to locate the com...
DVD drivers error when installing Windows
I recently received a new HP Folio 13 ultrabook and began installing Windows 7 Pro 64 bit on it (...
Microsoft Virtual Academy
Improve your IT skill set and help advance your career with a free, easy to access training porta...
How do I find out more information on UCLA's Official YouTube Site?
Frequently asked questions about UCLA’s Channel:
User Testing Tools
Remote user testing apps: ...
iPad Split Keyboard
With iOS 5 the iPad, but not the iPhone, now has a split keyboard. The keyboard has six “hidden”...