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37 total results found
A URL, short for Uniform Resource Locator, is like a telephone number in that it gives a unique w...
Who is Edward Tufte and why should I care?
Edward Tufte is an expert on presentation of data and visual information and may be most famous f...
Use of the UCLA name by a corporation
Our department has been approached by a for-profit company who’d like use the UCLA name and our d...
Where can I found out about UCLA's Graphic Standards and which UCLA logo I should use?
University Communications oversees UCLA’s Graphic Identity System. You can get complete informat...
What is the Disabilities and Computing Program
The Disabilities and Computing Program (DCP) is one of UCLA’s resources for students, faculty and...
What is First Monday?
First Monday is a peer-reviewed journal on the Internet that comes out on the first Monday of eac...
How can I make phpMyAdmin avoid sending MySQL passwords in the clear?
Although phpMyAdmin is an excellent tool for administering MySQL databases, you don’t want to exp...
How can I grab a website and place it on my server for a faculty member who wants to archive student web projects?
Several times I’ve been asked by faculty to copy student web projects over to our server, or in o...
How can I design better charts, graphs and information displays?
One place to start in designing better charts and graphs is with the work of Edward Tufte. Who is...
Web Developer and Designer Resources
Links UCLA Campus Web Publishers Group 4096 Color Wheel – Pretty useful tool to find web-safe/web...
What is Identity 2.0 and as a web developer, why do I care?
I’m not really sure what Identity 2.0 is but here are some very interesting slide show talks abou...
Usability Testing
Usability testing is something that few programmers or web designers do but it can drastically im...
Ruby on Rails Resources
Ruby is a Japanese object-oriented scripting language that is meant to make programming fun. Ruby...
What is HTML and how can I learn it?
HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is the basis for all web pages. Written in a text editor on o...
.NET Programming
Interested in doing .NET development? The resources below are good places to start: http://msdn.m...
ColdFusion is the original and most common implementation of a tag and ECMAScript-based programmi...
What is AOL Server and ACS?
AOLserver is America Online’s Open-Source web server. Originally built by NaviSoft, before it was...
What is Ajax web programming?
AJAX – (Asynchronous Javascript and XML) is Javascript that sends XML to a web server which then ...
Where can I find free web programming tutorials and sample code?
The first place to start for free web programming tutorials and sample code is http://www.w3schoo...
What is CAPTCHA?
CAPTCHA stands for *C*ompletely *A*utomated *P*ublic *T*uring test to tell *C*omputers and *H*uma...