If you forget your BOL Login ID or Password

Forgot your username?

You have two options (using the internet):

  1. Go to https://accounts.iam.ucla.edu/lookup
  2. Click ‘Look up my username’ and fill in the required fields. You will be asked your last name, UCLA ID number and your birthdate.

Your second option (visit the Bruin OnLine office):

Bring your current photo ID to the Bruin OnLine office at Kerckhoff Hall, Suite 124 in person for them to reset it for you. They are open Monday through Thursday 9am-8pm, Friday 9am-6pm, and Weekends from Noon-5pm.

Forgot your password?

Again, you have two options. Your first option (using the internet):

  1. Go to https://accounts.iam.ucla.edu
  2. Click ‘Reset My Password’ and fill in the required fields. You will be asked your last name, birthdate, and your UCLA ID number. Provide a correct response to your challenge question.
  3. Specify a new password
  4. Select a new challenge question and response.

Your second option (visiting the Bruin OnLine office):

Bring your current UCLA Bruin Card or official government issued photo ID (State ID card or driver license, or Federal passport) to the Bruin OnLine office at Kerckhoff Hall, Suite 124 in person for them to reset it for you. They are open Monday through Thursday 9am-8pm, Friday 9am-6pm.