What is the difference between points and straight points in the MyUCLA Gradebook?
Straight points are used when each single point awarded equals one single point in the final score. For example, if there are 500 points total possible in a class and a student is awarded 100 points for homework, those 100 points will equal 20% of the student’s final grade.
In contrast, when points are used, the instructor must set each category within Gradebook to be worth a percentage of the final grade. For example, the instructor can create a category for Midterm that is worth 10% of the total grade. Within that category, the instructor can then create a single item worth 1000 points. If a student scores 1000 points on the midterm, it is still only equal to 10% of the final score.
Questions about these options can be directed to the UIT Help Desk at gradebook@college.ucla.edu or 310.206.4525.