Evening Escorts and UCLA Safe Ride

Evening Escorts

If you are on campus by yourself between dusk and 1 a.m., please note this free program sponsored by the UC Police Department. If you call (310) 794-WALK about 15 minutes before you leave, a Community Service Officer will come to your location and will escort you to your destination. They can escort you anywhere between Wilshire and Sunset, and Veteran and Hilgard.

The link, with further information, is below. But from any campus phone, you can simply dial 4-WALK.


UCLA Safe Ride (Evening Van Service)

The UCLA Safe Ride service (formerly the Evening Van Service) provides free rides on and around campus from 7 p.m. to midnight, Monday through Thursday. It is sponsored by the the UCLA Police Department and UCLA Transportation. You must download the TapRide app to request a ride.

More information: https://www.police.ucla.edu/cso/evening-van-service