New area code 424

New Area Code 424

On Wednesday, July 26th, 2006, a new area code, 424, will become effective in the Los Angeles area. Campus callers dialing to the 424 area code should use 8+1+424-xxx-xxxx. No changes to on- or off-campus dialing will occur.

The UCLA telephone system was designed to make this change transparent to all of UCLA. When you dial from campus to a 310 area code, you do not need to input 8+1+310+xxx-xxxx. You simply need to dial 8+xxx-xxxx. (If you do dial the 310 area code, however, the call will still go through.)

If you have questions about this new area code, please check the map and list of frequently asked questions provided in the links below by the California Public Utilities Commission. You are also welcome to contact CTS Customer Service at extension 53775.

Taken from an email sent out by Communications Technology Services on June 10th, 2006.