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1355 total results found
FERPA (Student Records) Data Elements
FERPA – Student Records Grades / Transcripts Class lists or enrollment information Student Financ...
How do I extract certain columns from a text file in Unix?
Somehow I can never remember the cut command in Unix. But I occasionally want to remove certain c...
Lucene term documents and term positions
IntroductionTerm documentsFor each term T, there are (doc frequency of the term) tuples of <do...
Lucene spans
IntroductionIn Lucene, a span is a triple (i.e. 3-tuple) of <document number, start position, ...
Access denied error when installing Windows XP Service Pack 3
When attempting to upgrade Windows XP systems to Service Pack 3, you get one of the following err...
Effect of file operations on its own and its parent directory's modification times
\ File added File modified File renamed File deleted File Y Y N N/A Parent d...
UC Learning Center
The UC Learning Center is a learning management system (LMS) for employee training.UC Learning C...
PHP ODBC Setup Guide
Guide to setting up php-odbc for connection to Registrar database. Example for RedHat EL 5.Create...
How do I get my Scantron Machine serviced?
The Scantron machine itself should have a 1-800 number listed on them. The best bet is to call t...
Performance of array_shift and array_pop in PHP
We have confirmed that array_shift is much slower than array_pop in PHP.Code:<?// Create an ar...
HIPAA (Protected Health Information) Data Elements
HIPAA – Protected Health Information Patient Names Street address, city, county, zip code Dates (...
Instructional sites vs. collaborative sites on CCLE/Moodle
“The following are the different types of sites that are hosted on the shared CCLE/Moodle server,...
Requesting a course site on Moodle (CCLE)
This article explains how to request a course site on the CCLE Shared System for local support. I...
Requesting a test site on Moodle (CCLE)
Note: These same steps can be used to request a collaboration site on CCLE/Moodle. Or, consult th...
Outlook 2003 Error: There was an error locating one of the items
While trying to add an exchange server account the following message appeared:“There was an error...
How to put Video Furnace movies on a CCLE/Moodle site
Any course with Video Furnace movies hosted by OID should now automatically be given a link on th...
Wiki Timelines
DipityIntroDipity is an AJAX web application based on MIT’s SIMILE Timeline. It can accept web f...
Identifying phishing in your e-mail
For information about phishing, what to do, and examples of past email phishing attempts in UCLA ...
How to download Google Applications without Google Updater
Most Google applications now, such as Google Earth and Picasa, now may only be downloaded and ins...
Pure negation query in lucene
In many information-retrieval system, you can use queries like “term1 AND (NOT term2)” but you ca...