Requesting a test site on Moodle (CCLE)
Note: These same steps can be used to request a collaboration site on CCLE/Moodle. Or, consult the Knowledgebase article: requesting a collaboration site on moodle
Anyone with a CCLE account (UCLA Logon ID or special-case login) can request a test site on CCLE. If you don’t have a UCLA Logon ID, you can go to to create one.
To request a test site if you DON’T already have an “instructor” or higher role on another CCLE site
Email the following information to, and someone with administrator access will handle your request:
- your name, your email address, and your home department/unit
- the purpose of the test site you are requesting
- the name you want to call the site
- the name of the person or people who should have “instructor” level permissions to administer the site
To request a test site if you DO already have an “instructor” or higher role on another CCLE site
- Log into CCLE from (click Login in the upper righthand corner). The login account you use is the one whose email will receive the notification of the site being built.
- Go to If you don’t have this link handy, you can always get to this request form by the following steps:
a. Scroll down to the end of the Course categories and My courses lists and click the “All courses” button.
b. From the All courses list, scroll down to the end and click the “Course request” button. The button should take you to this link: - In the Course request screen, enter the required information: Full name, Short name, Summary and Reasons for wanting this site. You don’t need to enter an enrollment key unless you know you’ll need it.
- Click Save changes. The system will display a message confirming your request and letting you know to expect email notification after some time. Click Continue.
The system returns you to a new, empty request screen to request another site. If you don’t want to request another site, click the Home button to return to the CCLE portal.
The site request will need approval by someone with system-wide CCLE administrative access and, once approved, will be placed in whatever category they determine to be most appropriate. (Feel free to suggest what category you’d like the site to be listed under when you type your “Reasons for wanting the course” in the course request screen.) The system will email you when the site is approved and built. The email address used is the one associated with whatever CCLE account you used when you make the request.
Note to Sys Admins: Sites requested by the (built-in Moodle) Course Request function appear to those with sitewide administrators access ONLY. To access pending collaboration site requests go to: Administration >
Courses > Add/edit courses > (scroll down and click the button): Courses pending approval.
In some cases, the CCLE Incident Group (CIG) may need to vote on the appropriateness of the site. This may occur in the following situations:
1. if it’s from a unit not yet opted in, or
2. the unit is opted in, but no support contributor from the unit has been identified.