How to add a syllabus to Moodle

How to add a syllabus into Moodle

If uploading a file as your syllabus:

  1. In the Administration block or in the top right corner, click “Turn editing on”
  2. On the Add a resource… drop-down menu in the Syllabus block, choose Link to file or website.
  3. In the Name textbox, enter the name of the syllabus as you wish it to appear on the class page.
  4. Beneath the Location textbox, click on the Choose or upload a file button.
  5. In the Files window, select a file from your existing files list by clicking on Choose to the right of the file name , or add a new file as follows:
    • Click on the Upload a file button.
    • In the next window, click on the Choose file button to browse for a file on your computer.
    • Locate the file on your hard drive, and click Choose or Open.
    • The name of the selected file should now appear in the Upload a file window. Click on the Upload this file button.
    • In the Files window, choose the newly uploaded file by clicking on Choose to the right of the file name.
  6. After choosing the file, you will return to the Link to a file or web site screen. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the Save changes button.

If editing a web page:
You can use a web page right in Moodle for your syllabus.

  1. In the Administration block or in the top right corner, click "Turn editing on "
  2. In the Syllabus block, choose “Compose a webpage” from the Add a resource… drop-down menu.
  3. In the Name textbox, enter the name of the syllabus as you wish it to appear on the class page.
  4. In the Summary textbox, enter a brief summary of the syllabus as you wish it to appear on the Resources page.
  5. In the Full Text textbox, enter the text of your syllabus. On IE and Firefox, you can use the web editing tools to format your syllabus.

Written by Andrew Miller and JWW