How do I add someone as a guest to a Moodle site?

There are various ways to add someone as a guest to a Moodle site. This article will cover the following topics in the context of using the CCLE:

  1. Adding a specific user with a UCLA Logon ID as a guest to a Moodle site
  2. Adding a specific user without a UCLA Logon ID as a guest to a Moodle site

See also In Moodle, how do I add participants to a site?

1. Adding a specific user with a UCLA Logon ID as a guest to a Moodle site

  1. You must be logged into Moodle with admin, course creator, instructor, or project lead permissions.
  2. Administration
  3. Assign Roles
  4. Click “Course Auditor – UCLA”, “Course Guest – UCLA”, or “Project Guest – UCLA” depending on what role you want to assign to this new guest.
  5. From the Potential Users list on the right, click the name of the person you want to add as a guest participant, then click the leftward arrow to add him/her to the “existing users” list.
    If the name doesn’t appear in the list of Potential Users, you need to ask the person to log once into the CCLE system so s/he becomes a Potential User, then come back and add him/her.

2. Adding a specific user without a UCLA Logon ID as a guest to a Moodle site

  1. Follow the instructions for How to create a special case (local) login in Moodle
  2. Once the local (special case) login has been created, follow the steps from 2, above (Adding a specific user with a UCLA Logon ID as a guest to a Moodle site).