Turn off Global Events

If you find the Calendar Global Events or Upcoming Events distracting, you can easily turn them off by using one of the following methods:

From Upcoming Events Block:
1. Click on one of the events.

2. Locate the text link ‘Global events’ to the far right of the screen.

3. Click on ‘Global Events’ (The act of clicking on the text will turn off the Global Events.)

NOTE: It is possible that after turning off Global Events, you will not see a large, blank space with the text “There are no upcoming events,” but rather a list of “Course Events.” This is the default view if Global Events are hidden and there are Course Events in the calendar.

From within the Calendar itself:
1. Click on the “Global Events”link in the top right corner of the page. (Beside the link is the icon of an open eye with a green background.)

2. The global events displayed in a list on the left half of the page will disappear. (Notice that the icon next to the “Global Events” link looks like a closed eyelid. This indicates that global events are hidden from view. You can click this link again to make them visible.)

From the Calendar Block:
1. Click on the text ‘Global Events’ located directly below the Calendar.

2. Moodle will display a message, click ‘Continue’.

3. You will be redirected to the CCLE Main Page (You will have to find your course again.)

4. Inside your course, the Global Events will not be visible. (The closed eye icon appears next to global events indicating they are hidden.)

Note: An instructor cannot turn off Global Events for the entire class. It is up to each individual within the course to turn off global events.