UC Learning Center

The UC Learning Center is a learning management system (LMS) for employee training.

UC Learning Center features include:

  • course registration & roster management
  • eLearning hosting & tracking
  • assigning of training by job, department, start date, etc.
  • tracking of recurring certification requirements, course prerequisites, and certificate programs
  • training transcripts and diplomas of completion
  • email notifications for course enrollments and completions
  • instructor access to rosters and evaluations
  • manager access to training records

The UC Learning Center can be accessed at: http://lms.ucla.edu (UCLA Logon ID required).

A help guide is available at: http://www.chr.ucla.edu/chr/portaldocs/trng/trngdoc-lms-help-guide.pdf.

UCLA Campus Human Resources implemented the UC Learning Center for CHR and CHR-managed training during March 2010.

Q: I’m a professor – can the LMS be used to host my course?

A: No. The UC license for the LMS covers only UC employees as learners in the LMS. In some cases, student workers are considered UC employees so they may be required to complete work-related training via the LMS.

Q: What’s the difference between Moodle and the LMS?

A: Moodle is a course management system available on campus for academic courses and projects. Please see the About CCLE page (https://ccle.ucla.edu/course/view/aboutccle?section=0) for more information.

Q: Can my group use the LMS for training?

A: The initial campus rollout allowed all UCLA employees to register for courses offered by Campus Human Resources. Other training providers interested in adding their courses to the catalog and managing employee training through the UC Learning Center should contact training@chr.ucla.edu.

Q. What happened to SkillNet?

A. After ten years of faithful service, SkillNet was retired in March 2010. All training completions were migrated from SkillNet into the UC Learning Center and are available in individual users’ training transcripts.