3D Printing Resources

Some UCLA 3D printing groups—

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Some 3D Printing resources from Doug Daniels—

For those with a little extra time and a Netflix account, I highly recommend the documentary called Print the Legend, http://www.netflix.com/printthelegend.

Free, open access repositories of 3D models ready to be printed:

The first, A Model for Managing 3D Printing Services in Academic Libraries is a very good scholarly write-up of an existing 3D printing service at the University of Alabama that I highly recommend.

( many thanks to Doug Daniels for the above links! )

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Lynda.com modules—

Safari ProQuest—

Microsoft Virtual Academy—

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  • The Makers by Cory Doctorow is a fascinating science fiction novel with 3D printing as a central element. The book is free for download with a Creative Commons license.

If you have any other suggestions, please add them. Thanks!