I'm an instructor. How can I reserve an electronic classroom for a class?

Many campus computer classrooms serve the needs of specific departments or give priority to their division, so you’ll need to check to see who will best serve your class. Once you find which department or division can help you, you should note what their policy is on when the reservation requests need to be made, and how to request any additional software you might need as it can vary depending on the size of department or classroom!

Reservations for Campus Computer Classrooms:

  • Humanities Lab: email Center for Digital Humanities , call x65630 or submit your request online here .
  • Social Sciences Lab: email Albert Alquicira, call him at x41402.
  • Campus Labs: Please see UCLA Campus Computer Labs for alternative labs and classrooms here .
  • Engineering: You may view information about reserving the Instructional Media Room (3760 BH) here or email classroom-request@seas.ucla.edu. If the room will be used for a class for the quarter, your HSSEAS department course scheduler must make the request to sched@ea.ucla.edu. This room is only available to HSSEAS departments.

Full list of UCLA computer labs is at,