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1355 total results found
OS X installation failure due to incorrect system date
“This copy of the Install OS X Mavericks application can’t be verified. It may have been corrupte...
Linux tee command
The Linux “tee” command is extremely useful in the right situation. This article gives some good ...
ELK Stack
The ELK stack is an open source way to consolidate various logs gathered by logstash to a real-ti...
Data Journalism
5 ways journalists can use Nuzzel with Twitter lists – " Andy Brightwell shows how you can use N...
Faculty profile editing - uploading files to Drupal
Faculty, graduate students, and others may have web-based profiles on Drupal based sites.Particul...
DCP/OIT has licensed the SensusAccess online file conversion service. Sensus combines a series of...
has anyone tried wolfram programming cloud?
Has anyone tried the Wolfram Programming Cloud? It “is an application of the Wolfram Language—spe...
Sometimes you have sections of your website that you don’t want search engines to index. That’s w...
Is Credit Card Monitoring Worth It?
Brian Krebs, a well-known reporter focusing on computer security, has an article of prospective i...
monitor changes to Supreme Court opinions
Clever piece of code exposes hidden changes to Supreme Court opinions – June 12, 2014
Microsoft OneNote for OS X
Microsoft is now offering OneNote for OS X 10.9 as a free download— Office Blogs, http://blogs.of...
Chkdsk ("Check Disk") in Windows 8
Windows 8 has redesigned the venerable “chkdsk” tool. The tool has a new approach to disk health...
CCLE Feedback activity
The members of my collaboration site want to issue a survey to UCLA members who are not part of t...
Managing OS X
OS X Server’s SUS (update server) can manage OS X workstation’s updates (e.g, http://support.appl...
1Password icon displaying twice in Firefox 29
1Password 3.9.20 add-on for Firefox displays both the “1P” and the 1Password key icon in the Fire...
How do I find out if a visiting scholar has an active appointment with the University?
Go to Visiting Scholars Directory to search active appointments by Name or by Department.
IE Browser bug
We have learned of a vulnerability which makes it possible for hackers to take control of a user’...
Heartbleed Remediation
For up to date status of Dell products in relation to Heartbleed visit —
Linux scp command examples
I’ve used scp for years, but didn’t know many of these options. The compress-before-transferring...
De-identification doesn't work
Fascinating article. Please add more on this if you find any. No silver bullet: De-identification...