Cloud Computing

If It’s in the Cloud, Get It on Paper: Cloud Computing Contract Issues by Thomas J. Trappler in Educause Quarterly. The article’s focus is on how to mitigate the risks of Cloud Computing through the contract terms with the cloud services provider.

If you’re looking for a cloud infrastructure on which to run self-written apps or on which to
install cloud-amenable apps, there are certainly options to provide a
cloud service locally. In fact, some of the best known approaches for doing so were
UC-developed. Perceus (spun out of LBL) is
a provisioning system that can efficiently provision 1000’s of nodes
for cloud-based operation. ROCKS (out of SDSC/UCSD) is a similar technology.
And Eucalyptus (spun out of UCSB) is a
cloud infrastructure very similar to Amazon’s ECC.

There was an earlier UC effort, the UC Cloud Computing Task Force. The group has finished its work, but its wiki space lives on: . The final report is prominently linked from the home page.

The text above was paraphrased from posts in August 2010 by Tom Trappler, Harry Mangalam and David Walker to UC-CSC Mailing List