How to Change your Windows Domain Password

This document provides a step-by-step set of instructions on how to change your domain password on a Windows 7 computer. This password is used to log into departmental Windows computers and resources.

Your new password must meet password complexity standards as defined by your department.

Once you are successfully logged onto your computer press Ctrl-Alt-Del on your keyboard. You will be presented with a screen similar to the one shown below.

Click on “Change a password…”

After selecting to “Change a password..” you will be prompted to enter:

  • Your user name (this field may be prepopulated with domain\user name)
  • The “Old password” for your account (please note, the “Old password” is the current password for your account)
  • The “New password” you want to set for your account (following IT’s standards for “Choosing a Good Password”)
  • Retype your “New password” in the “Confirm password” field
  • Then click the Arrow button to apply the changes you have just made to your account.

If your password change was successful, you will see the following message:

Common Errors:

  • In order for the password change to be successful, you must ensure that what you are typing in the “New password” field matches your entry in the “Confirm password” field. If these entries do not match, you will see the following error (clicking the OK button will take you back to the Change Password screen).

  • Your new password MUST meet password standards. If your password does not meet minimum security standards, you will see the error below and your new password will not be accepted (clicking OK will direct you back to the Change Password screen to enter a new password).