How to Create a New PDF Document

These are the basic ways that you can do this:

The Easiest Way (on most applications)
1)Go to File → Print and Select the Adobe PDF printer.
2)Select a place to save to drive(C:\, A:\, D:\, etc.)

Another Easy Way
1)Open some program (Word, Powerpoint, etc.) and create a document.
2)When you are done with the document, go to the top bar (right side) and look for a red and white icon that looks like a sheet with a little fold on the top right corner and two columns of text. Click on that icon and wait a few seconds.

The Somewhat Harder Way
1) Open some program (Word, Powerpoint, etc.) and create a document.
2)When you are done with the document, go to the top bar (right side) and look for “Adobe PDF”. Click on that to get a menu and then click on “Convert to PDF”. Type in the name for the file desired. Make sure the save in location is workspace because it seems to default to wherever the word/powerpoint file was saved. Then click save. It takes a few seconds and you are done.

The Long and Complicated Way: creating a PDF file from a .prn file, using Acrobat Distiller
1)Open some program (Word, Powerpoint, etc.) and create your document.
2)Select print from within that program, but select the “Print to File” checkbox. When you then press “Print” it will ask you where you want to save the .prn file. Chose a file name and save it to any prefered drive. One thing to note, I have received an error before about fonts. The error tells you what to do, just follow what it says. Generally something to do with print properties.
3)Open Acrobat Distiller (Start→ Programs→ Graphics and Web Programs→ Distiller 5.0). Wait a minute for it to build it’s font table.
4)Select File→ Open. Change to “All Files” and the drive you choose. Select your .prn file and click “OK”.
5)Immediately, it will ask you where you want to save your .pdf document. Choose your drive. Click “OK”.
6) When finished, close Distiller and open up your .pdf to make sure it looks correct.