Has anyone used SurveyMonkey?

SurveyMonkey seems like a nice fit for recommending to a prof for
his project and I was wondering if anyone had any experience with it.
Positive and negative comments would be appreciated.

Scott Gruber, International Studies

I’m a fan of surveymonkey.com. I’ve used it for two surveys and it works
great for any survey needs. The ability to offer multiple ways to share
the survey (link in web page, link for email, popup window) with your
audience is a plus point. I also like the exportablity of the data

No faster way to get a survey up and running that I’ve run across. I’d
recommend it.

Annelie Rugg, Center for Digital Humanities

I don’t have any “production” experience with Survey Monkey, but I tried
setting up a survey about Ecampus to send to our instructors and came
across some limitations in the free version that made it awkward:
1) You can’t get the data exported out unless you use the paid version
2) You’re limited to, I think, 10 questions per survey in the limited

I seem to recall (but this may not be right) that you also couldn’t
create questions that allowed the responder to click “all that apply”;
it was either one or another answer, but not several among many.

Instead, I went with phpESP, which I think is open-source. We have it
set up on our admin server (Linux box) and it worked very well.
Tom Phelan, Social Sciences Computing

I also used survey Monkey very successfully. It is very
flexible and provides for very easy creation of complex survey formats.

Caroline Tam, Social Sciences Computing

For a free survey tool, it’s pretty neat. I just tested out SurveyMonkey and it looks like SurveyMonkey can give the complete data for each respondent. Infact, it also records anonymous users and users who are signed in; if other students have signed for SurveyMonkey and log in prior to filling out their classmate’s survey, their login will be captured and returned to the user. The complete data for each respondent is available in the “View Summary” option.
Rebecca Dean, GSR at the Center for the Study of Women

I have used SurveyMonkey for several online surveys and it is both great for creating surveys and collecting data. The filter feature is especially useful in processing results, and adding logic to your survey couldn’t be easier. I have cut and pasted many of the graphs and tables directly into reports. As long as you structure your survey well, you can really play with the data.

It is unfortunate how little is available under the free version. By upgrading to pro you will expereince its full potential. Printing for paper prototyping is also nice. I will update once our survey is completed.